
Study in UK: Top Scholarships for International Students in the UK 2024


Are you an international student aspiring to study in the United Kingdom but concerned about the costs? Pursuing higher education in the UK can be a rewarding experience, and fortunately, there are several prestigious scholarships available specifically for international students. These scholarships not only provide financial support but also recognize academic excellence and potential.

If you’re considering studying in the UK in 2024, here’s a comprehensive guide to some of the top scholarships you should explore:

Study in UK: Top Scholarships for International Students in the UK 2024

1. Chevening Scholarships: Chevening Scholarships are funded by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office and are awarded to outstanding individuals with leadership potential. These scholarships cover full tuition fees, living costs, and other allowances for a one-year master’s degree program at any UK university. The application window usually opens in August each year for studies commencing the following year.


2. Commonwealth Scholarships: Commonwealth Scholarships are funded by the UK government and are available for students from Commonwealth countries. These scholarships cover full tuition fees, living expenses, travel costs, and more. There are various types of Commonwealth Scholarships, including Master’s Scholarships, PhD Scholarships, and Split-site Scholarships. The application process typically opens around August-October each year.

3. Gates Cambridge Scholarships: The Gates Cambridge Scholarships are highly competitive awards funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. These scholarships are awarded to outstanding applicants from countries outside the UK to pursue postgraduate studies at the University of Cambridge. The scholarships cover the full cost of studying at Cambridge, including tuition fees, maintenance allowance, and airfare.

4. Rhodes Scholarships: Rhodes Scholarships are one of the oldest and most prestigious international scholarship programs in the world. These scholarships enable outstanding students from around the world to pursue postgraduate studies at the University of Oxford. Rhodes Scholars receive a fully funded scholarship, covering all university and college fees, a personal stipend, and travel expenses.

5. Clarendon Scholarships: Clarendon Scholarships are offered by the University of Oxford to graduate students from all around the world. These scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic excellence and potential across all degree-bearing subjects at the graduate level. Clarendon Scholarships cover tuition fees and provide a generous grant for living expenses.


6. Fulbright Scholarships: The Fulbright Program offers scholarships for international students to study in the UK, primarily at the postgraduate level. Fulbright Scholarships cover tuition, airfare, a living stipend, and health insurance. The application process is managed by national Fulbright commissions or US embassies in the applicant’s home country.

7. Erasmus+ Programme: The Erasmus+ Programme offers scholarships and grants to students from EU and non-EU countries to study, train, or gain work experience in Europe, including the UK. The program supports mobility for undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral students, as well as staff exchanges between universities.

8. Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Individual Fellowships: These fellowships support experienced researchers (PhD holders or those with at least four years of research experience) to undertake research projects in Europe, including the UK.

9. Marshall Scholarships: Marshall Scholarships finance young Americans of high ability to study for a degree in the UK. The scholarship covers university fees, cost of living expenses, annual book grant, thesis grant, research and daily travel grants, fares to and from the United States and, where applicable, a contribution towards the support of a dependent spouse.

Applying for Scholarships

To increase your chances of securing these prestigious scholarships, it’s important to start the application process early and thoroughly research each scholarship’s eligibility criteria and requirements. Generally, scholarship applications require academic transcripts, letters of recommendation, a personal statement or essay, and proof of English proficiency.

Which UK university gives the most scholarship to international students?

Determining which UK university gives the most scholarships to international students can vary based on different factors such as the number of scholarships offered, the value of scholarships, and the specific criteria for eligibility. Generally, many UK universities offer scholarships to attract talented international students. Here are a few universities known for providing substantial scholarship opportunities to international students:

  1. University of Oxford: Oxford offers a range of scholarships for international students, including the Clarendon Scholarship, Rhodes Scholarship, and various departmental scholarships. These scholarships cover tuition fees and/or living expenses.
  2. University of Cambridge: Cambridge provides scholarships like the Gates Cambridge Scholarship, Cambridge International Scholarships, and various departmental awards for international students pursuing graduate studies. These scholarships cover tuition fees and living expenses.
  3. Imperial College London: Imperial offers several scholarships for international students, including President’s Scholarships, Imperial College PhD Scholarships, and various departmental scholarships. These scholarships often cover tuition fees and may include a stipend for living expenses.
  4. University College London (UCL): UCL offers scholarships such as the UCL Global Excellence Scholarships, UCL Undergraduate Access Scholarships, and UCL Graduate Research Scholarships for international students across different levels of study.
  5. University of Warwick: Warwick provides scholarships like the Warwick Chancellor’s International Scholarships, Warwick Undergraduate Global Excellence Scholarships, and other department-specific awards for international students.
  6. University of Edinburgh: Edinburgh offers scholarships including the Edinburgh Global Undergraduate Scholarships, Edinburgh Global Research Scholarships, and scholarships for specific disciplines.
  7. University of Bristol: Bristol offers a range of scholarships for international students, including the Think Big Undergraduate Scholarships, Think Big Postgraduate Scholarships, and Faculty Scholarships.
  8. University of Manchester: Manchester provides scholarships like the Manchester Global Leaders Scholarship, Manchester Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarships, and country-specific scholarships for international students.
  9. University of Birmingham: Birmingham offers scholarships such as the Birmingham Foundation Academy Scholarships, Birmingham Masters Scholarships, and various awards for international students.
  10. University of Glasgow: Glasgow provides scholarships like the University of Glasgow International Leadership Scholarships, Postgraduate Talent Scholarships, and other awards for international students.

What is the easiest university to get into in UK for international students?

Identifying the “easiest” university to get into in the UK for international students can be subjective and depends on various factors including admission requirements, competitiveness of programs, and individual qualifications. However, some universities in the UK are known for having relatively less stringent entry requirements compared to others. It’s important to note that while entry requirements may be more flexible at certain universities, the quality of education and overall experience can still be excellent. Here are a few universities that international students often find more accessible:

  1. University of Bedfordshire: The University of Bedfordshire is known for its diverse student population and relatively accessible entry requirements for certain undergraduate and postgraduate programs.
  2. London Metropolitan University: London Met is known for offering a wide range of programs and has flexible admission criteria, making it accessible to many international students.
  3. University of Sunderland: Sunderland is known for its supportive environment and offers a range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs with reasonable entry requirements.
  4. University of West London: The University of West London is popular among international students and offers programs in various disciplines with accessible entry requirements.
  5. Buckinghamshire New University: Bucks New University is known for its vocational courses and often has accessible entry requirements for international students.
  6. Teesside University: Teesside University offers a range of programs and has a reputation for welcoming international students with diverse backgrounds.
  7. Edinburgh Napier University: Edinburgh Napier is known for its practical approach to education and offers a range of programs with accessible entry requirements.
  8. University of Bolton: The University of Bolton is known for its supportive environment and often has more accessible entry requirements for international students.
  9. University of the West of Scotland: UWS offers a range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs and has a diverse student body, including many international students.
  10. University of Chester: Chester offers a welcoming and supportive environment for international students and has accessible entry requirements for certain programs.

How much CGPA is required for scholarship in UK?

The required CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) for scholarships in the UK can vary widely depending on the specific scholarship program, the university, and the level of study (undergraduate, postgraduate, doctoral). Different scholarships may have different academic criteria and eligibility requirements. However, generally speaking, a strong academic record is typically expected for most scholarship applications in the UK.

Here are some general guidelines regarding CGPA requirements for scholarships in the UK:

  1. Undergraduate Scholarships: For undergraduate scholarships, a competitive CGPA is often required, usually equivalent to a First Class or Upper Second Class (2.1) degree. This typically translates to a CGPA of around 3.5 or higher on a 4.0 scale.
  2. Postgraduate Scholarships: For postgraduate scholarships (including master’s and PhD scholarships), the required CGPA can vary depending on the scholarship provider and the university. Most scholarships require a strong academic record, often equivalent to a First Class or Upper Second Class (2.1) degree at the undergraduate level.
  3. Specific Scholarships: Some scholarships may have higher or lower CGPA requirements based on specific criteria set by the scholarship provider. For prestigious scholarships like the Chevening Scholarship or Commonwealth Scholarship, a very strong academic record with a high CGPA is typically expected.
  4. Subject-Specific Scholarships: Certain scholarships may be targeted towards specific academic disciplines or fields of study. In addition to overall academic performance, applicants may need to demonstrate excellence in their chosen field.
  5. Research Scholarships: For PhD scholarships or research-focused scholarships, applicants are often required to have a strong academic background with relevant research experience and publications.

It’s important to note that while a high CGPA is often a requirement for many scholarships, other factors such as research experience, leadership qualities, extracurricular activities, and the quality of the scholarship application (including personal statements and letters of recommendation) also play a significant role in the selection process.


Studying in the UK can be a transformative experience, and scholarships play a crucial role in making this opportunity accessible to talented international students. Whether you’re interested in pursuing a master’s degree, PhD, or research fellowship, exploring these top scholarships for international students in the UK in 2024 could be the key to achieving your academic and professional aspirations. Keep an eye on application deadlines, prepare a strong application package, and embark on your journey to academic excellence in the vibrant and diverse landscape of the United Kingdom.


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